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Result object and Error Handling

Result object

The Result class is similar to Option type/object in Scala/Rust. It wraps up some value and error - so that a function can return both simulateously.

This is similar to the package

See lib\Core\Result.ts for more documentation.

Simple usage

function someFn(someArg: boolean): Result<string | undefined> {
  if (someArg) {
    return new Result("success");
  return new Result(undefined, TerriaError.from("SOME ERROR"));

This can now be used in a few different ways

Ignore error and just return value
const value = someFn(true).ignoreError();
// value = "success"

const value = someFn(false).ignoreError();
// value = undefined
Catch error, do something with it and then return value
const value = someFn(someArg).catchError((error) =>
Throw error OR return value
const value = someFn(someArg).throwIfError();
Throw if value is undefined, otherwise return value
const value = someFn(someArg).throwIfUndefined();
Raise error to user if error, and return value
const value = someFn(someArg).raiseError(terria);


TerriaErrorOverrides can be provided when creating a new Result(), and also methods which act on errors (eg raiseError, throwIfError, ...)

This allows you to add more context to TerriaErrors.

Valid TerriaErrorOverrides include:

  • String values - eg "Some error message"
  • JSON representation of TerriaError - eg {"title": "Error title", "message": "Some error message"}

Simple usage

function someFn(someArg): Result<string | undefined> {
  if (someArg) {
    return new Result("success");
  // Here we create a TerriaError with message "Some Error inside result"
  return new Result(undefined, TerriaError.from("Some error inside result"));

// Here we add `TerriaErrorOverrides` in throwIfError.
// This is equivalent to calling `createParentError()` on the error inside inside result.
// Eg. error.createParentError("Some error outside of result")
const value = someFn(someArg).throwIfError("Some error outside of result");

This will now throw a chain of TerriaErrors - which provides a good stack trace:

  message: "Some error outside of result",
  originalError: {
    message: "Some error inside result"

Convenience functions

There are a few convenience functions and methods to make Result a bit easier to use.


This accepts same arguments as TerriaError.from and will create a new Result object with an error


This also accepts same arguments as TerriaError.from - but all arguments are optional. It will create a Result with no value (and potentially an error - if arguments are defined)


Combines an array of Result objects into a single Result - also accepts same arguments as TerriaError.from.

TerriaError object

Represents an error that occurred in a TerriaJS module, especially an asynchronous one that cannot be raised by throwing an exception because no one would be able to catch it.

See lib\Core\TerriaError.ts for more documentation.


TerriaErrorSeverity enum values can be Error or Warning.

  • Errors with severity Error are presented to the user. Warning will just be printed to console.
  • By default, errors will use Error
  • TerriaErrorSeverity will be copied through nested TerriaErrors on creation (eg if you call TerriaError.from() on a Warning then the parent error will also be Warning)
  • Loading models from share links or stories will use Warning if the model is not in the workbench, otherwise it will use Error.

Example of severity propagation

Say we have this error with severity Warning:

const error = {
  message: "some message",
  severity: TerriaErrorSeverity.Warning

And then we call:

error.createParentError("some higher message");

It will return a new TerriaError with the same severity - Warning - not the default severity Error.

  "message": "some higher message",
  "severity": TerriaErrorSeverity.Warning
  "orginalError": {
    "message": "some message",
    "severity": TerriaErrorSeverity.Warning